We are often approached by people who have an amazing new food product that they need to bring to the market. “It’s soooooo good that everyone will want to buy it”, they tell me when I first meet them, and of course, they want it on the shelves of Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose. Naturally.
Fantastic we say, what is it? Something unusual? Something never seen before? Something truly unique?
The majority of times it is a product that already exists, but they think theirs is better and therefore everyone is going to immediately move from the market leader and buy it. Now that may be the case but first there are things to consider:
Why is it better?
How are you going to get people to try your product and find out how amazing it is?
What proof do you have that people will prefer it/buy it?
Why should the supermarkets stock it?
What sets your product apart from the competition?
Ultimately there are some important things that need to happen BEFORE you even think of getting in front of one of the big supermarkets:
Have a realistic budget for product testing and market research Have a realistic budget to research the correct route to market for your product Have a realistic budget to design your products packaging Have a realistic budget for any legal checks and trademarking that needs to be done Have a realistic budget for putting your product in front of the right people Have a realistic budget for marketing your product
Notice the one thing all these things have in common?
Yep, it all costs money before you get anywhere near to the proud moment that your item is stocked in a shop. There are big budgets and small budgets, and there is always something that can be done, but be realistic with your outcome.
Maybe aiming for Tesco is not the most cost effective route for your product. Think long and hard about it, and speak to an expert before you spend any money going in the wrong direction.
Why not give me a call to discuss the best route for your product.